Brand Photography & Headshots

Do you need updated images of yourself to use on your website or social platforms? Or maybe you would like some brand photography, to capture the essence of you at work, to elevate your brand and attract new clients. I can capture the images you need, whether this is formal or relaxed - showing you at your best is my job.

Whether you require a few updated headshots for a profile picture, a small selection of images to use over different platforms or a you'd like to know more about how I can provide a full portfolio of images to raise your profile and enable your customers to follow you within the know, like, trust process. Please get in contact and I will arrange a free discovery call with you.

For individual headshots I have a home studio based in Leigh on Sea, or I can travel to a place of work or outside space to accommodate the look you prefer. For a full brand shoot I enjoy planning with my clients which locations will best suit their brand.