Packages & Investment

Which package would work best for you?

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The Registry Office Wedding

Weekday only bookings
Bookable by the hour
No upper limit to photos provided
Private online gallery

£150 per hour

6 Hour Wedding Package

6 hours coverage
No upper limit to photos provided
Private online gallery
USB Presentation Box
40 5x7 prints


8 Hour Wedding Package

8 hours coverage
No upper limit to photos provided
Private online gallery
USB Presentation Box
40 5x7 prints
8x6 Photoblock

Upto two additional Family Boxes:
including an 8x6 Photoblock
and 20 5x7 Prints
Ideal for each set of parents!


Brand Photography

2 Hour & 4 Hour Packages



Corporate style Headshots starting at £195
for one individual.

Please fill out my online enquiry form and I will respond with a quote and further details.

You may wish to book a discovery call to discuss your requirements in more detail.


Family Portraits

1 hour family shoot £195

Please fill out my online enquiry form and I will get back to you with further details.


Ready to Begin?


Can I change the session duration?

What kind of equipment do you use?

Do I have to order prints through you?

Do you shoot destination weddings?


Can I change the session duration?

If you wish to discuss a particular duration for your photo session please let me know so I can provide you a bespoke quotation.

What kind of equipment do you use?

I use the latest models of digital camera equipment with dual card slots for backup and peace of mind. I use high quality lenses to capture the best quality images for you.

Do I have to order prints through you?

I provide hi-resolution images in a secure online gallery for wedding, family and business brand sessions. These can be downloaded free of charge by both you and anyone you wish to share the gallery with.

For wedding bookings over 4 hours a USB presentation box, 20 8x6 prints and a 8x6 photoblock will also be included.

All online galleries have the functionality for my clients & their guests to order additional products, should you wish.

Do you shoot destination weddings?

If you are planning a staycation wedding within the UK contact me with your details and I can provide a tailored quote for you.